The Resources Details area allows you to view and manage all relevant resource information:

1. The Resource Details tab allows you to view / edit the basic resource information such as their name, address, contact information, start date, salary, trade(s), region(s), and resource type, as well as configure email notifications, job reminders, and budget / contract information.

From the Details tab you can select the Edit button on the right-hand side to edit the existing information (or Delete in order to delete the resource from the main application):


2. The Portal and App tab allows you to set this resource up as a Resource App user, and configure settings for this resource on both the main application as well as the Resource App.

The Online Portal Settings refer to the main application and allow you to configure settings such as:

  • Resource login information.
  • Display a message, that the resource must acknowledge, before completing a task.
  • Display a Grid-View or Mobile-Friendly View when the resource logs on.
  • Whether job budget information is available to the resource in the Job Details view.
  • If the resource can re-assign job tasks to another resource.

The Resource App Settings allow you to configure settings such as:

  • If the resource must accept a job task.
  • Ability to log travel time. This allows a resource to log when they start travel, start the task, leave the task, and travel home. Note: that location (GPS) stamps are taken and recorded at the time a resource logs each of these.
  • Ability to add expenses to a job task with a photo attached.
  • Ability to manage and submit weekly time sheets.
  • Turn on or off app notifications for the resource.

For resources not set up as a Resource App User, you will see the option to Create Resource App User

Selecting this will display a pop-up window for you to create a password for the resource to use in order to login to the Resource App.

The Settings Common to the Online Portal and Resource App section shows settings that can be applied to the resource on both the main application and the Resource App:

  • Completing task completes the job - job will only be completed once all tasks are completed.
  • Require Customer Signature - a signature is required in order for the job to be closed and completed.
  • Require Photo Before Complete Task - a photo is required in order for the task to be closed and completed.
  • Enable Location / GPS Tracking for Engineers - this allows tracking of location and will display on the completed job.
  • Enable Stock - allows the resource to attach stock to the job.

The Job / Requests Settings Common to the Online Portal and Resource App section shows more settings that can be applied to the resource on both the main application and the Resource App, focusing on jobs and requests:

  • Can Create Job or Request - allows contractors to be able to create jobs on the fly from the app. Setting this to "No" will disable the following settings.
  • Creating Job From App Creates Request or Job - determines whether a new issue created from the app is created as a new job or a request. Note: is set to "Request", the option for "Self Deliver" will be disabled.
  • Allow Self Delivery For New Jobs - allows contractors using the app to create and deliver new jobs created from the app.
  • Ask for Date or Priority - allows date, priority, or neither to be shown to the contractor when a user creates a request / job.

Learn more about the Trackplan Apps here

3. The Documents tab displays any documents associated with this resource.

You can upload a new document for this resource or filter the current list by selecting the option at the right side of the page. You can also view any documents that have been archived for this resource as shown below:

Learn more about Documents here

4. The Qualifications tab allows you to view and edit qualifications for this resource.

Select Edit at the right side of the page, and you can now update relevant qualifications for this resource by adding the expiry date and whether the qualification has been validated.

You also have the option to Block Instruction if no Validated. Select yes if you wish to enable this option.

Learn more about creating and managing Resource Qualifications here

5. The Availability tab allows you to set periods for when the resource may be unavailable, for example; holidays, training courses, appointments etc. These availability settings will also appear on the calendar in the Resource view. 

If a resource is instructed during a time they are set to be unavailable, a warning note will be displayed on the Availability tab.

6. The Contacts tab allows you to view and manage contact information for a particular resource.

7. The Reports tab enables you to view and configure the Job Report Settings for this resource, such as:

  • Enable Scheduled Job Reports - this will schedule a job report to this resource containing a list of open and overdue jobs.
  • Last Time Sent - this will show the last date and time a report was sent.
  • Next Report Send Date - this will show the next date and time a report is due to be sent out.
  • Report Frequency - this specifies how frequently the user will receive a report:

8. The Costs tab displays a grid containing Job Costs information related to job tasks that have been instructed to this resource.

The grid can be sorted by selecting a column heading such as the job task number, cost status, or when the job task was created. The grid also displays various cost information per job task:

You can View or Edit the job task cost information be selecting one of these options next to the job task you want to look at:

Selecting View will display a pop-up window with the Cost information. Selecting Edit will display the same pop-up window but with the ability to edit the Cost information:

Learn more about Job Costs here

9. The Time Records tab displays all time records associated with job tasks that have been instructed to this resource. The Time Records grid shows information such as the job task number, job task status, time and date of travel start / start task / left task for each task, total time spent on the task, and total costs.

You can add a time report for this resource, or export this list as an Excel sheet as shown below:

Learn more about Time Records here

10. The Forms tab allows you to view, manage, and edit all forms associated with this resource. The forms grid shows the form name, when it was created, if a form contains a failed field, form submit status, date and time of submission, and who the form was submitted by.

From here you can also Add Form or export the form list as an Excel sheet as shown below:

Learn more about Forms here

11. The Billing tab allows you to view and edit the billing information for this resource.

The Auto Contractor Billing section allows you to decide whether or not you would like to create contractor invoices periodically from the costs associated to the respective instructed jobs. Enabling this option for a particular resource means that you will be able to receive invoices from this contractor in the Finance area.

Contact for more information

You can also configure other settings such as:

And also upload a contractor logo:

Learn more about Finance here

12. The Stock tab shows stock held by this resource. You can add stock by selecting Add Stock Level at the top-left of the grid, and then choosing the stock you wish to add. Once the stock level has been added, you can then adjust the stock levels by clicking on the pencil icon in the Stock Level Value column.

Learn more about Stock here

Related Articles:

Resources Overview

"Resource App" Manager