The Resource Qualifications area allows you to view, edit, delete, or create new Qualifications that can be used to manage and vet your contractors' capability and qualifications. 

To set up a qualification select the Add Qualification button at the top-left of the page:

This creates a row in the qualifications list where you can 

  • Name the qualification
  • Set Validation Required For Instruction which will prevent jobs and tasks being instructed to the contractor. On the resource detail page, you can update whether the contractor has been validated or not which will determine whether they can be instructed. 
  • Set Send Reminder On Expiry which will notify the contractor when the qualification is soon to be expired.

Once you have finished inputting the Qualification information, select Update to save the new Qualification and add it to the list. 

You can also Edit and / or Delete the Qualification information once it has been added to the list.

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