Within Trackplan you have the option to attach QR codes to assets. These QR Codes can be printed out and attached to the physical asset. This enables the user to scan the code with their phone when completing a job for a particular asset.

QR Codes can be created on the Asset Details page:

On the Asset Details page, there is a section which shows the option for a QR Code for this asset:

To create a QR Code, simply click on the Edit Asset button:

This will enable you to input a string of letters / numbers:

When you are ready, click the Save button:

Once you have saved, you will see that a QR Code has been generated from the previous input:

Once a QR Code has been generated, it can be printed out, attached to the asset itself, and scanned by users completing jobs. In the above image, we can see "Last Scan" displayed; every time a QR Code created in Trackplan has been scanned, it is logged in the main application.

A full list of QR Codes can be generated by selecting the three dots on the main Assets List view, and then selecting Print QR Codes:

This will open a new page with all QR Codes currently attached to existing assets. On this page there is a button labelled Download PDF which will download this list in a PDF format when can then be used for printing:

Related Articles:

Assets Overview

Assets List

Asset Details