The Upload Centre is where you can upload new data and / or update data from a spreadsheet for Sites, Site Locations, Users, Resources, Assets, Jobs, Planned Maintenance Schedules, and Stock. The Upload Centre can be found in the Settings area, or within the drop-down selections from the sidebar. 

For each area mentioned above you can:

  • Sites: Upload all of your sites.

  • Site Locations: For larger buildings with many locations and sub locations, you can upload this information from a spreadsheet for already existing sites.

  • Users: Upload all of your main system users. You can also allocate a user to a user type with its own profile of settings and permissions.

  • Resources: Upload your contractors and engineers; this can include login access to the online resource portal.

  • Assets: Upload all your assets, which must belong to an already existing site. You can also attach up to 3 planned maintenance schedules already set up in the planned maintenance area.

  • Jobs: The jobs upload feature is a good tool for uploading your job history for the last few years. Please contact a member of Trackplan Customer Support for this template.

  • Planned Maintenance Schedules for Assets: Use the assets upload to attach each asset to up to 3 planned maintenance schedules.

  • Stock: Upload all of your stock, including stock levels and reorder levels.

Steps to follow for upload are as follows:

1. Download Template: Click Download Template on the main Upload Centre page, and choose the template you wish to use. Use this spreadsheet template to create your data. You can delete the dummy example data shown in the template, but ensure you keep the column headings as shown. Save your new spreadsheet.

2. Upload Data: Click Upload and choose the spreadsheet you have populated from the template.

3. Check Information is Correct: A list of the data rows you are uploading will be displayed on-screen. Check that this information is correct. If not, edit the spreadsheet and re-upload.

4. Save: Once you are happy with the list of data uploaded, click Save to save the information to the database.

Tip: Dates need to be in the format of dd-mm-yyyy OR dd-mm-yy OR yyyy-mm-dd. 

  • For example: 15th of July could either be 15-07-2020 OR 15-07-20 OR 2020-07-15. Please ensure you apply a format to your excel spreadsheet to the date column in order to achieve this (right-click, Format Cells -> Number -> Date).