The main Sites List page will display a grid of all the Sites which can be sorted by selecting the heading of the column which you choose to sort by.  

You can also filter the results shown by selecting the Filters button in the top right of the page which reveals filtering options: 

There are more options available by selecting the three dots beside the Filters button as shown below:

  • Excel Export - this allows the grid to be exported as an excel sheet. 

  • Regions - this displays all the current regions and allows you to Edit, Delete and Add a Region:

  • Site Types - this displays all the Site Types and allows you to Edit, Delete and Add a Region:

  • Clear all Filters - this removes all filters that have previously been selected.

Selecting a Site Name from the main Sites List view will open a page containing all of the information for that site. The tabs at the top of the Site Details page allows you to organise and find all the information associated with that site as shown below:

The Site Details view allows you to see Jobs and Job Requests that are attached to this site. You can also see any Planned Schedules, Assets, Documents etc. also attached to this site.

At the right-hand side of the Site Details view, you have a number of options. You can return to the Main Sites List, Edit the site information, or create a New Job for the selected site. 

The three dots shown below display even more options; you can see all jobs for the selected site, add a photo, and delete the site:

You can also upload your own sites via an Excel sheet. Learn how to do so here

Related Articles: 

Create a Site


Site Regions

Site Types